Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why I Don't Exercise

I'm one of the most unhealthy people on this Earth, I think.  Not only do I eat TERRIBLE foods, but I don't exercise.  This is sad because in high school I was constantly on the go.  I danced for 11 years, played slow-pitch softball in elementary school, played baseball for the blink of an eye, played fast pitch softball from age 11 to 18, played basketball for the blink of an eye, played volleyball from age 12-15--so I was an active kid until I graduated high school.  I ate unhealthily, of course, but my mom packed my lunch from kindergarten to senior year so I was forced to eat relatively healthy at school, meaning sandwiches, apples, pretzels and if I was lucky, a Ho-Ho.

I was used to eating whatever I wanted and staying between 100-110 pounds.  Not so when I got to college.  Suddenly I realized that without sports I was a heifer.  I gained 20 pounds in one semester.  I lost about 5 of those but that's just because I live by myself now and can't afford food.

I'm still relatively thin, I suppose, but I no longer have that sleek toned look and I could lose 10 lbs and still be well within the healthy weight for my height.

However, I am LAZY.  I am lazy and I am picky.  When I had a structured, regimented activity every day after school -- mainly the crazy athletic softball practices for 7 straight years -- that was one thing.  But the motivation disappeared once I realized that I had to resort to running, which I LOATHE, or going to the gym which I also hate.  I get BORED.  I need to be doing something and having fun.

Yesterday Katie and I had to learn a dance for our sorority's Song and Skit.  It was a lot of fun, but we were laughing at how out of shape we were.  Today I woke up and I literally could not move, my whole body was so sore.  It was so hard to sit down and get up off the toilet which, of course, is essential to daily functioning.  And this was from DANCING, which I did basically my whole life from age 4-15.

It reminded me of why I don't exercise, but then it also reminded me of why I used to dance/play sports.  I enjoy it a lot.  I wish LTU wasn't such a nerd school and had dance classes and/or there was a laid-back, cheap dance studio around here.  And they don't really have adult fastpitch teams, which sucks.  Slow pitch is fun and all, but it's not much exercise.  I like fastpitch because you can steal bases!

So yeah.  Maybe this summer my sister and I will just make up our own dances in the basement.  We are pretty good at that.

1 comment:

  1. You could make a new organization- and dance group of something lol
    That would be so fun!

    I also didn't start working out again until winning the title of Miss LTU- after three yrs of not working out I was in serious pain for the first 2-3 weeks!
