Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top Ten Things I Love About My Life Right Now

No need for embellishments.  Here goes:

1)  Getting marked down in a camera class for bad acting.

2)  Having to meet up with random classmates to work on projects that don't really require help.  And getting graded on it.

3)  Not being allowed to have more qualified people help me on my projects because they are not in my class.

4)  Being told that this is how things are in the "real world".

5)  Knowing that lectures at a university is not the "real world".

6)  Being excited to go downtown on Thursday to actually witness the "real world" and ask someone if they ever got marked down in a camera class for bad acting.

7)  Working my butt off on a project that is sure to be skewered for "continuity problems".

8)  Using all the bad actors I can amass to help me in my projects from here on out.

9)  Having to bite my tongue from saying truthful things in response to hypocritical statements for the sole reason of saving my grade.  Don't want to be blackballed.

10)  Shooting my final project for Editing because it's going to be FREAKING AWESOME provided I am allowed to use the camera.

I just needed a place to vent.  I'm sorry y'all.


  1. Aw :( I'm sorry- I feel you in many of those!

    btw...nice layout!

  2. grrrrr and grrrrrr.......I feel for you sister. if you remember, bring the critique on Wednesday, I'm curious to read it.
    I'm having issues too. I ran out of memory on my computer before I could get tape two of five captured
