Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Unicorns and various other magical beasts

Unicorns are real and I hate people that don't believe in them.

I want a house elf like Kreacher, meaning one that screams at me and calls me a Mudblood.

When people ask me my religion and I say Dumbledore, I'm only half kidding.

I think the other day a thestral landed in my front yard, but I have never seen anyone die so I can't be certain.

I wonder why Regulus Black changed his mind.

Every time I get evaluated in my collaborative communication / leadership class, I am more and more certain that J.K. Rowling based Hermione Granger on me.

Every time something Harry Potter-related comes out or I acquire it, this time being the Half-Blood Prince DVD, I go a little mental. I'm sorry.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Thousand Yellow Daisies

I would be a little weirded out if a guy asked me to marry him by filling my place of work with a thousand yellow daisies. However, I do like Max Medina, and no one else does. I mean, duh, I think Luke and Lorelai are soul mates, but for me, if it couldn't have been Luke, it would have been Max. Alex and Christopher are stupid hogs.

Gilmore Girls. Sorry.

Why do people like American Idol? I don't see the appeal. People standing up on stage and singing . . . I'd rather just go to a bar on karaoke night. At least shows like Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance are visually appealing (and, in the case of Buzz Aldrin, downright hilarious.) And why is Ellen an Idol judge? Don't get me wrong, I love her. Ellen is the shit. But . . . she shouldn't judge a singing competition.

I've never seen a full episode of Idol, and I don't plan on it.

Shows I need to watch, and soon: Curb Your Enthusiasm. Dexter. Better Off Ted. Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
Shows I need to catch up on, and soon: How I Met Your Mother. Greek.

I found myself thinking "I need to go to ASDA . . . " U.S.A. FAIL.

I really don't know why I'm even blogging, I have nothing substantial to say right now.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm skipping class. I feel abnormally tired. I'm probably suffering from a bad case of ennui. I am not loving this weather, or my constant sneezing, or the fact that Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock.

I am not very stressed out, although at this time of year I feel like I should be. I don't even want it to be summer, because I'm going to be so busy it will just be depressing for me to look outside at the beautiful warm weather while I'm working or at school or (hopefully) interning.

I have watched and acquired some good movies, though, always a bright spot in my pathetic life. Withnail and I was funny. I bought Harry Potter 6, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Batman, and Jurassic Park. 500 Days of Summer is next on my Netflix queue.

Formal is this weekend and for the first year ever I am going to feel like I look hot, probably because I finally found a dress in my favorite color that I actually like..

I miss Mary.

I hope my Romeo and Juliet-inspired short is funny. Hopefully I'll shoot it this week. I'll post after I submit it to the International Shakespeare Film Festival.

That's it right now. Sorry for the boring blogs as of late.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting Your Life Together Is Overrated

Funny how in high school I was this focused, driven, I'm-gonna-be-awesome kid who had her shit together. Now I'm this aimless, lazy, terrified-of-growing-up loser who would love to do nothing more than be rich and lay around all day.

And I don't even care.

Ugh, anyway, all this is brought about by the fact that my school just does not want me to graduate. Ethics isn't offered until Spring 2011. REALLY?! HOW UNETHICAL OF YOU, LTU! So now I either have to take it somewhere else and get guest credit or wait ANOTHER SEMESTER to graduate. Sorry for all of the caps. I'm just angry. My summer, regardless of what happens, is going to stink like potatoes rotting under the cupboard because you forgot about them (this happened to us freshman year). I need an internship, I need to make money, and I need to take classes, all of which adds up to no fun.

And don't even ask about after graduation, whenever that is. It will probably be graduate school, since I can't see me having any sort of job. But graduate school for what? Film studies? Media arts? Gold digging? And where? Madison? UCLA? Wild Bill's Clown School? (ew)

I'm just going to continue to do what I've been doing and not think about it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Evansboro, or: The Reacharounds

While I definitely should be working on a presentation that I have later tonight, we all know that I work better under pressure. So before I lose the already-hazy memories of my spring break experience, I will put them down on paper (cyberspace?) for eons of future hooligans to experience along with me.

It started out with me doing nothing from Friday-Sunday. Seriously. I slept in, hung out with people, had a "break." It was splendid. Monday I worked, Tuesday I worked, then I packed for spring break. At 7am on Wednesday, Nikki and I took off for Owensboro, Kentucky. It was a long, monotonous drive, about 8 hours, but it was fine.

We arrived in Owensboro to a warm welcome from the one and only Mary Hardesty! She was jumping around in her driveway like a mad woman, it was enchanting. After many hugs and getting settled, we took off for a tour of Owensboro. This is really all you need to see.

Kid. On. A. Leash.

It's really not that white-trashy there but we pretty much screamed when we saw that and Mary yelled "WELCOME TO OWENSBORO!" We went to the Big Dipper and had "jims" (gems, which are tater tots) and a shake, and then took pictures outside Moonlite BBQ because Owensboro is the BBQ Capital of the WORLD. That night her uncle took us all out to dinner at Moonlite and it was delicious. Then Mary, Nikki and I camped in the living room and watched Gilmore Girls until bedtime.

Thursday. Oh dear. We slept in late, since Nikki and I were very very tired. We watched more Gilmore Girls and then went to Taco Bell AND Big Dipper for lunch because we are fatties. After we ate it was shower time, and we headed off to Evansville. The drive was fun because we jammed out to the Spice Girls. I swear, they are probably my favorite "band" of all time. I kind of forgot that I went as Posh Spice for Halloween my senior year. I picked the one that sings the least, natch.

So we get to the Tranny Mansion which is what everyone calls JR's house . . . and for good reason. Hot tranny mess, all of it. After the screaming and jumping up and down and hugs and reunions, we went out to Logan's to see JR's man friend Addison, and had a delicious dinner and, for me, the lone of-ager, two Newcastles. Then we headed back to the Tranny Mansion and had a crazy night of weeping camels, echo point, Snuggies, cigars . . . we watched The Story of the Weeping Camel but OF COURSE I barely remember any of it, besides certain images such as Dude peeing on the ground, the yurt that looked like a penthouse inside, the big strange box-like violins, and, of course, camels crying. CAMELS DO CRY, I saw it. I have to watch it again and send DG my in-depth analysis, since JR and I have been planning this night since Novemberish.

We stole Aaron's camel figurine off of his windowsill in honor of the night. Mary named it Chronic.

I passed out in JR's roommate's bed (whoops) and woke up to Nikki crawling in with me at 5am after JR left to go to work at the radio station. YES, he went to bed at 2am and woke up at 5 to go to work. He got back at about 9:30 and we all just recounted the night and slept until noon, until our stomachs began to crave food. I was fine until we got to Los Bravos, ordered food, and I saw it in front of me . . . so I booked it for the bathroom, blew chunks, then came back and ate. Glorious. They called me a champ for the rest of the day. Mary, Aaron and Megan went to the mall, and JR, Nikki and I went back to Tranny Mansion and took a nap. When they all got back I went with Aaron on an adventure to the liquor store, McDonalds, his place, Wesselman's (sp), and CVS while Nikki, JR and Mary napped (again). By this time JR's roommate was back from the Virgin Islands, he was nice but his girlfriend seriously hated us. I felt like she was staring daggers at us the entire time. Whatever, get over it, you just spent a week in the Virgin Islands. So we eat, and set up Band Hero of course. I got 97% on Wannabe.

Then the night took a turn for the AMAZING when Anne Joy showed up. I literally cried when I saw her. Screamed, danced, hugged, whatever. It was indescribable. Anne proceeded to play Band Hero guitar for about 2 hours while Mary sang. Anne proclaimed herself the Stephen Hawking of Band Hero and our band name was The Reacharounds.

Then Anne's roommate called and said they were playing games at her house, so we decided to walk over there. Best visual of the night: JR walking down the middle of the street with a 24pk under his shirt, phone on ear and cigarette in hand. Mary claimed he was on an important business call. Anne's house was fun, we played flippy cup and Memphis roulette. Mary regaled us with her theory that if you like pepperoni pizza, you are a homosexual. She was very upset when we informed her that this is not true. Nikki said, "I like pepperoni pizza," to which Mary replied, "Well . . . then . . ." with a shrugging gesture.

On the way home we sang Disney songs. The cops were called on us, but by the time they drove by we were back at Tranny Mansion and the only thing they saw was Mary and Drew on the porch in Snuggies.

JR, Nikki and I passed out on JR's floor after severely pissing off The Girlfriend, and in the morning she was still decidedly unhappy. As JR said, "Sorry that you were tired from being in the f***ing VIRGIN ISLANDS all week!" We packed up and went to McDonalds, where we heard someone call their son "Benjerman." Then Mary, Nikki and I headed back to the Boro, where we showered for the first time in two and half days and then had dinner with Pam. We watched more Gilmore Girls and then my dear fellow Chris came over!! So I got to hang out with more of my Harlaxton loves. We stayed up til 3am, then Nikki and I woke up at 7am and tearfully left the Boro for our long, sad ride home.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

School-ish update and me getting way too excited about celebrities

Can I just say that I'm not loving real school. I say real school because to me Harlaxton was fake school. Not that it wasn't difficult -- it was much more difficult than any class I've ever taken at LTU besides maybe Calc 2 or University Chem. It's just that it was so much easier to like school when you got to wake up, throw on your sweatpants, walk a few feet, sit in a sunny room full of creepy cherubs and hardwood floors and rolling green hills outside and learn about the awesomeness that is British history and then take off to Lincoln and London to see it all. I honestly didn't really mind doing homework for British Studies or Renaissance History. POLITICS is another story.

Anyway, I'll go class-by-class I suppose.

1) Introduction to Film Production -- This is a Media Comm elective that I'm pretty much only taking because I didn't want to wake up at 8am on Fridays for Cinematography. It's okay. Since our school doesn't have much in the way of equipment, we just set stuff up in class and learn how to be a PA. We are shooting a re-creation of the witch village scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail after spring break which should be fairly cool.

2) Collaborative Communication for Leaders -- TEAMWORK class. So naturally, I dislike it. However, because we're actively learning (doing activities, watching movies, presentations, etc.) the class goes by quickly. I really despise it though. Group work, while I understand it is necessary, is particularly difficult for me because I always feel like I have to pick up the slack for everyone else. My past overachieving tendencies always emerge in these situations and I hate it.

3) Screenwriting -- This class is okay. It's nice because all we do is read the book, write a script, read it out loud and critique it. But sometimes I get the feeling that my teacher doesn't quite know what she's talking about. I learn more from the book and the other students' critiques. The teacher always wants me to make my stories more fantastical and weird and I never want to do what she tells me to. She grates on my nerves sometimes. However, I understand that a lot of things bother me.

4) Directed Study -- love it! (And not just because Jennie reads my blog). I get to do things that I want to do. My next project is re-creating a scene from Romeo and Juliet for the International Shakespeare Film Festival. So that will be fun!!!

I am going to watch The Oscars tonight, and this is the only year that I have not seen ONE Best Picture nominee. Not even UP. I know! Please don't get mad! I am very disappointed in myself. In my defense, I was out of the country while most of the Best Picture nominees were being released. No excuse. So now I'm going to use the awards show to gauge what movies I should watch. And, DUH, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are hosting. Wherever they are, I am.