Monday, March 2, 2009

New cousins = joy.

So, I have a LOT of cousins.  My dad has 6 brothers and sisters and he is the youngest.  His older brother Tom is 23 years older than him and was married and had a daughter before my dad was born.  My dad has a total of 56 nieces and nephews:  19 nieces and nephews and the rest are great- or great-great. I just had to make an Excel spreadsheet to count them all and make sure I didn't forget anyone.  My mom has 11 nieces and nephews, 3 of those are great-.

So my sister and I have 67 cousins.  And let me tell you, one of my favorite hobbies is getting new cousins.  I like to try to brainwash them into telling everyone that Janelle is their favorite cousin.  Usually it works for a few years until they wise up.  Kids usually like me, which is cool because there's a freakin' ton of them around ALL THE TIME.

My cousin and blog-friend Karin is having another bebe!  I'm so excited because her son Liam is awesome.  I watch him on YouTube all the time.  They live in Chicago so I don't see them as much as I would like to, so YouTube is wonderful for that.  I'm saddened because I will be in England when this bebe is born.  I just hope that she posts a lot about the bebe in her blog because I love getting new cousins!  This one will be hard to brainwash from across the Atlantic so I will have to find a new tactic or learn telepathy over long distances.


  1. Tee hee :) If you start practicing your tele-communication skilz now, maybe you'll be a pro when the baby arrives. Or, actually, he/she doesn't even need to BE arrived...I'm sure skin & uterus won't slow down the communication waves too can just start NOW!

    BTW - I was kind of bummed to find out I was knocked up ONLY because I *really* was planning on going to England while you were out much for those plans :(

  2. new cousins do rock! if you love new cousins you will LOVE being an Auntie. new nieces and nephews are the bestest ever! actually maybe it's babies that are the bestest. I love babies! congrats on your almost new cousin!!
