Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sore Soul

The title says it all. Not only is my throat sore, and my back, and my feet (inexplicably) and my left pinkie finger (explicably - I broke it when I was four and whenever it's humid out it gets stiff), all of that would be okay if I didn't have this lazy apathetic malady called "sore soul".

I really have nothing to complain about, but if I didn't complain I would have nothing to write about. I know I'm lucky to have a job in this economy. I know that I'm sort of lucky to have been hired for an unpaid internship (literally costing them nothing but the power for the computer and the name tag). And I should be happy that I am enriching my educational experience by taking a summer class.

But I just feel so BLAH. Every day. I'm in a bad mood every day. I said that, and Dan said "I noticed." And my sister, at least three times a week, gets really pissy when I won't go turn on the dryer for her or I interrupt her 4 hour baths to use the loo and she yells "TAKE A FUCKING NAP!"

If only, young child, IF ONLY THAT WOULD CURE ME!

I have a few things that I need to keep reminding myself of, so that I will remember to be grateful.

Reasons Janelle Should Try To Love Summer
1) Fox is re-running every episode of GLEE from the beginning of the season on Thursdays.
2) Netflix.
3) My mom will play with my hair if I ask her to.
4) I never work weekends so I can go up north.
5) Now that my boss knows that Danielle and I will almost always take his Tigers season tickets, I may have more free games/parking.
6) The Sims 3. And making drama on it.
7) Dan getting a job so this means he will be making about 14 times what I make so he can pay when we go to Taco Bell or the bar.
8) If I get back on my pseudo-workout schedule I will have a hard body.
9) There is an electronic stapler at the office now.
10) I have a killer playlist on my iPod for when I am driving to the ends of the earth for jobs and school.

Hakuna Matata. Or something.

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