Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Being Single Doesn't Have to Suck

**disclaimer: I am not single, and I am happy about this. However, there are a select few things that I do miss about my swinging single life (when I was 15).
**also this is not gender-specific. more mass appeal.

Top 5 Reasons Why the Single Life is Awesome
by Janelle

5) You don't have to shave your legs

- This is, hopefully, for women only. Honestly, I don't shave my legs every day. Not even every week, sometimes. I get made fun of a lot, but I don't care. Luckily, my boyfriend isn't a dick, so it's usually more him making a joke like "Aww when are you going to braid your leg hair?" rather than "you are f*cking disgusting," but I know some guys that think leg hair is a deal breaker. So, single ladies, be thankful that you don't have someone constantly judging the natural blanket of body-heat-trapping hair that God intended you to have.

4) You have more money

- Even if you are poor as hell, it's a proven scientific fact* that you have more money when you're single than if you're in a relationship. Guys, you want to go to Taco Bell? You don't have to call your girlfriend and ask her what she wants, only to have her "Uuuummmmm . . . " on the phone for 20 minutes before finally deciding on 1 soft taco. Nope, you can pocket that $0.89 or get yourself a soft taco. Do you want to go to the Red Wings game? "One ticket, please." "One beer, please." "Another one single beer please." "One singular hot dog, please." Doesn't that sound delightful? So, live up the single life while you can.

3) You don't have to "coordinate" . . . anything.

- If someone invites you out, do you have to call your significant other to see what he/she is doing before you commit? If you're going to a party, do you have to arrange a time to go so you can pick he/she up on the way? Do you have to wait until your significant other gets off of work before you can go hours late to your brother's birthday party?
You can go whenever the hell you are ready to go.

2) Holidays

- While, admittedly, it is nice to have someone to spend any holiday with, think about all the stress being single alleviates. No financial burden from trying to "match" whatever he/she bought for you. No pressure for those of us who are DIY-challenged to make something cutesy and full of love. You can feel free to sit on your couch in sweats with your dad watching "1000 Ways to Die" eating tator tots on Christmas Day instead of going to numerous family engagements (that's a true story . . . MY true story. And I'm not single, I just have an awesome boyfriend.)


- I am opposite of "in a controlling/manipulative relationship", but I realize that I am the exception. Most people have to let their significant other know what they are doing at all times, where they are, who they are with, etc. Doesn't that get exhausting? and annoying? Do you really need to know if I'm sitting at home eating Doritos and playing the Sims? I'm not out grinding on male models at a dance club. Are you at a bar with your buddies? Did you have to clear that first with your obnoxious controlling significant other? Or did you text him/her and say, "hey, I'm going up to [insert bar/restaurant here] with [insert friends' names here], wanna meet us up here later?" Or, if you're single, did you just say to yourself, "I'M GOING OUT!"?

This is not a rant about how being in a relationship sucks. It doesn't. It's just some reasons why being single doesn't HAVE to suck.

**no actual science was conducted in the writing of this blog post.

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