Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflections on an Undergraduate Education

Well, with the (very last minute) submission of my final undergraduate paper, I am now finished with my Bachelor of Science degree in Media Communications, with a minor in History.

Scratch that. I'll only get a minor if I managed to get a decent grade in my History class. I thought I was smart until I took that class. Way to ruin a girl's self esteem, douche.

But, I'm still the same person. I still love jeggings, and Snuggies, and Harry Potter. Just because I'm slightly more educated than the average 13-year-old doesn't mean that I'm better than them. I still wholeheartedly appreciate High School Musical, HogwartsLive, and Miley Cyrus smoking out of a bong.

What have I learned?

- I learned that going to college doesn't necessarily mean you will be surrounded by smart people.
- I learned that college admissions programs don't exactly tell you the whole truth.
- I learned that engineering is way too boring for me.
- I learned that I love writing stuff that I think is funny, but no one else does.
- I learned that I am way lazier than I ever thought I was.
- I learned that I am the very worst kind of procrastinator.
- I learned that I should have appreciated high school and its positive effects on my metabolism.
- I learned that I will never buy a PC as long as I live, unless Mac somehow becomes shit.
- I learned that you can meet amazing people that counteract the douchebags.
- I learned that I have amazing bullshitting capabilities.

Most importantly, I learned how to make this.

I'm currently at my graduation party, which consists of me, my sister, and her friend drinking, smoking hookah, watching Elf, and being online.

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