Monday, December 13, 2010


We have received some snow here in the D. And honestly . . . it's not that much. We've had much worse. So why is everyone and their mother (and grandmother, and aunt, and second cousin) complaining?

Driving in it is not fun. I know this; however, being a born-and-bred Metro Detroiter, I'm fairly used to it. If you live here, you learned to drive in the snow . . . at least I hope you did. The traffic would beg to differ, people still going 80 in 696 when it's slick with ice, passing me because I'm going 55 in the right lane. That's cool, you can do that. But if you spin out and I crash into you, I WILL CUT YOU.

I am one of those rare people that likes snow. I don't mind shoveling (as long as it's not over 8-10 inches), I like sledding, skiing, snowball fights, etc. I also love cute winter clothing like coats, scarves, hats, and so on. Sweaters? Count me in, because they minimize cleavage. Boots? I like it when my feet are toasty warm.

I like living in a climate where we get four seasons. I LOVE summer, don't get me wrong, but things like Christmas don't seem like Christmas without snow. I would much rather have the weather be cold and snowy than cold, dull, and gray.

Remember how pissed Kevin McAllister was in Home Alone 2 when his family wanted to go to Florida for Christmas? I COMPLETELY identify with that. If you don't like snow, MOVE.

Thus ends this lackluster blog post. I know I've been slacking lately, but I'm busy. So just nut up and deal with it.

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