Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm very sorry, loyal readers. But I have been exploring a new creative endeavor: the Sucktasticism movement.

Sucktasticism (n.): The artistic movement in which one cannot get his or her shit together long enough to honor commitments and/or vague promises. Symptoms include watching large amount of television, dicking around on the internet, not blogging, playing The Sims, and not getting out of pajamas.

Basically, everything about you is garbage, and you sit around thinking up awesome ideas that never come to anything because you feel very lazy and don't want to do anything.

I'm trying to not completely submerge myself into Sucktasticism, but sometimes it's really hard--like when you come home every day and your parents have dinner ready. Or when you wake up at 11:30am and watch the Price is Right and then take a nap. Or when you just re-read all 7 Harry Potter books in one week.

I can give you life updates on my Sims (Mortimer Goth is boning Bella Bachelor, but she and his mom hate each other. Mortimer's dad quit his job as a CEO and became the Mayor of Sunset Valley.) That's art.

Take a voyage into Sucktasticism. But please, don't stay too long -- you might miss the season premiere of Dancing with the Stars.

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