Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And we're off . . .

Well I've had all of my classes. Let me tell you, this is gonna be a tough semester. But I'll be fine. I'll be VERY busy so hopefully I won't have time to miss people too much :) Just kidding. I miss everyone a lot, but it's getting a bit better. I just want this whole thing to go by FAST and have a lot of fun so I can get back and be with everyone!

British Studies is crazy. Everyone in the whole school is in the lecture session from 8:30-9:30 in the morning on Mondays and Wednesdays, and it's held in this amazing room called the Long Gallery, so all I want to do is stare at the ceiling because it's so pretty. Then I have a little break, and my British Studies seminar is at 11:00-12:00pm. That's just a section where we have individualized instruction from a professor. Mine seems pretty cool. He has the quintessential British accent (at least, the one Americans think is quintessential) - deep voiced, very articulate, like he's from a Jane Austen movie.

Renaissance and Reformation European History is on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 4:10-5:00. That will be a little different, it's taught by an American professor. It's a small class - only 7 people! I thought I left LTU! Haha. But everyone else in the class is a History major, so we'll see how that goes. It seems interesting enough.

British Politics I had this morning, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:15-11:30. I don't know how I feel about that class yet. The professor is actually the Dean of Students, and one girl here has a huge crush on him -- she says he looks like a combination of Jude Law and Viggo Mortensen. But the class seems hard! And for something I'm not interested in, that's not a good sign. Oh well.

Alex got here finally which is AWESOME. It is so much easier with her here - we know the same people back home at LTU, we both have boyfriends so we're not like the other girls trying to pick up dudes, we both would prefer to stay in on schoolnights and do homework in the Bistro with a beer than go out to Grantham and get shitfaced every night, but I will definitely do my share of partying like I always do. Just not every night. :) And the other kids I know, none of them are going on the school trips because they say they are too expensive. They are traveling independently almost everywhere. Well, Alex and I are like, ummm, no. I'm going on the school trips. We don't trust ourselves AT ALL. Plus I think you lose the money you paid.

Anyway, I have to go read. Tonight is the trip briefing for London, which is where we are going this weekend. I'm super excited!

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered if scholarly British men actually sounded like that, or if they were just a creation of Hollywood. I'm glad to see that they exist!

    I wouldn't give Alex the label "girlfriend". I did that once, and she almost bit my head off. :-)

    Glad life in the land of awesome is well.

    --Rich T.
