Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Believe in Harvey Dent

I'm watching The Dark Knight, and I think everyone needs to see this movie.  However, one thing that bothered me was that people didn't see who Harvey Dent ends up being right off the bat.  Now, I don't know, I kind of assume that most people that see Batman movies know SOMETHING about Batman.  I myself am no Batman aficionado -- aside from the cartoons and the other Batman movies, I don't know much -- but come on!  You should know at least the basic villains, like The Riddler, The Joker, Two-Face, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze and The Penguin.  As SOON as I heard the name Harvey Dent, I knew who he was.  I got into an argument with a friend during the movie who swore that Harvey Dent was ROBIN.  COME ON!  ROBIN is DICK GRAYSON, duh!

I wonder which villains they will use in the next movie -- because there better be a next movie.  The Nolan Batman movies don't have supernatural elements, so I don't think it will be Rachel Dawes as Catwoman (using one of her nine lives, as some theorists claim).  I don't think they will bring back The Joker in the Nolan movies, because of Heath Ledger.  It's such an iconic role, there would be an uproar if someone tried to recreate it.  My money is on The Riddler.  If they did Penguin, I hope it wouldn't be a lame "genetic defect" like Danny DeVito in "Batman Forever".  I hope it will be sort of a corporate boss thing, like The Penguin's name is Mr. Penn Gwynn, and he has something that identifies him as penguin-like.  That whole genetic defect storyline was just a tad too far-fetched for me.

Mr. Freeze could work, perhaps, because Gotham City seems to have a ton of crazy technology, at least in Wayne Enterprises.  I'm sure Two-Face will be in it, duh, but they need someone else.

I care way too much about this.

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