Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh Lou!

My boss cracks me up.  I have several bosses, but he is kind of the super-boss since he's the Dean of the department I work for.  Anyway, this is a typical conversation I have with him.

Dean:  What is your major again?
Me:  Media communication.
Dean:  So you can do power points?
Me:  Yes.  I can do power points.
Dean:  Can you make this power point look jazzy?
Me:  I think so.
Dean:  OK I need it by May 18th.

(. . . 10 minutes later . . . )

Dean:  Nevermind I changed the power point.
Me:  Did you send it to me?
Dean:  No.
Me:  OK.
Dean:  I guess I should send it to you.
Me:  I think so. 

( . . . Today, about a week later . . . )
Dean:  Come with me, let's talk to Lisa.
Me:  OK.
(go to Lisa's office)
Dean:  Lisa, her major is Media Technology and I want her to help with our website.
Lisa:  Oh!  Do you know HTML?
Me:  No.  I can make videos, and I can write.
Dean:  I think we can give her more hours this summer to help with the website.
Lisa:  OK.  I need help re-writing everything.  Do you know how to do search engine optimization?
Me:  No.
Dean:  But she can learn it!
Me:  Yes, I can learn it.
Lisa:  Great!
Dean:  She can do power point too!

( . . . another day . . . )
Dean:  Can you do Excel?
Me:  Kinda.  (I'm thinking some uber-difficult spreadsheet with a ton of formulas)
Dean:  Can you make this look better?
(he hands me a table of pre-requisites, no numbers involved)
Me:  Yes, I think I can make this look better.
(he makes me re-do it 4 times, each time changing something little like the width of a border)
Dean:  Your major is Mass Media, you should be able to do this! (laughs)
Me:  Yes, I should be able to do this.

One time I had to order him something out of a baseball catalogue.  He coaches a little league team and wanted this special bat thing that was about $50 bucks.  He said "order this, it gives free shipping" and gave me his credit card. However, in big letters on the front of the catalogue it said "FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $200."  I waited about 10 minutes before I went into his office and told him.  He laughed and told me to order it anyway.

The best story ever:  One day I walked in there and he was on Facebook.


  1. LOL I enjoyed reading this-
    I know HTML- can I get your job? lol

  2. LMAO
    Classic I love your boss. A typical day in the life working for him. I think it is cool you will get website savvy. You have to know him to really appreciate this blog entry.
