Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Movie Snobs

I suppose one could call me a movie snob, if by movie snob you mean someone that has seen a ton of movies.  However, I wouldn't call myself a snob because I like almost every movie I've ever seen in some way or another.  There are a few exceptions.  I hate the movie Without a Paddle and probably one of the worst cinematic experiences I've had in a few years was going to see The Happening.  But altogether, I'm not a big movie-hater.

Which I why I don't have patience for movie snobs.  Some of my favorite movies are notoriously "bad" by film critic standards.  Breakin' 2:  Electric Boogaloo?  AWESOME.  However, it's so bad that "electric boogaloo" has become movie industry slang for "unnecessary sequel".  Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie, not the show) is one of the best movies of all time, definitely on my Top Ten.  The Hot Chick with Rob Schneider?  I NEVER get sick of that.  The Lost Boys?  All I have to say is THE COREYS.

I'm fully aware that these movies are "bad", but to me that's part of the charm.  You can laugh at it and make fun of it.  But what I don't like is when someone talks about how bad something is--even when they know I like it.  I don't like to argue.  Unlike some, I don't get pleasure out of a good debate or putting down other people's taste in movies, music and TV.  I get anxious and sweaty and altogether uncomfortable in an argumentative situation, so most likely my only defense to a movie preference attack is, "I don't care, I still like it!"

I don't want to hear about how cheesy the acting is in Center Stage, because I love that movie.  I don't want to hear about the formulaic storyline of The Wedding Date because I love that movie.  And I don't want to hear about the shotty production value of High School Musical because GUESS WHAT?!?!  I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!

1 comment:

  1. one of the best movies EVER? Adventures In Babysitting. love love love that movie. Anchorman is another one of my favorites. *sigh* I too have been told movies I enjoy are stupid or not cinematic gold. whatev. we have good taste. we sooo know what we're talking about
