Friday, January 16, 2009

Dwight vs. Andy

This monumentally important question was posed to me during last night's episode of "The Office".  Angela is engaged to Andy but sleeping with Dwight.  Both men have pros and cons to them, and ignoring the moral ambiguity of both Angela and Dwight, I've decided to make a list to decide whose side I'm on.


Can protect Angela in a fight with a bear
Is skilled with a bowstaff
Assistant to the dojo at his karate studio
Drives a Trans Am
Two sources of income:  Dunder Mifflin and Schrute Beet Farms


Socially inept
Wears the same color shirt every day
Cousin Mose
Smells like beets


Went to Cornell . . . ever heard of it?
Trust fund baby
Sings in an a capella group "Here Comes Treble"
Drives a Nissan Xterra
Dresses fancy

Cannot protect Angela from a bear attack
Socially inept
Sings in an a capella group "Here Comes Treble"
Anger issues

This is so hard (that's what she said).  Both have their strong points and their negative points.  I suppose I'm going to have to go with Andy because he's just so oblivious, it can be marginally cute sometimes -- while Dwight is just incapable of being cute.


  1. I am going to have to disagree. a woman needs to have constant protection against a bear. it's like a rule of thumb. not one of my thumb's rules, but my thumbs are different sorts of digits

  2. When you think about it really - what beats a Trans Am? Really?

  3. If I had to choose between Andy and Dwight, I would become a crazy cat lady.
