Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm skipping class. I feel abnormally tired. I'm probably suffering from a bad case of ennui. I am not loving this weather, or my constant sneezing, or the fact that Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock.

I am not very stressed out, although at this time of year I feel like I should be. I don't even want it to be summer, because I'm going to be so busy it will just be depressing for me to look outside at the beautiful warm weather while I'm working or at school or (hopefully) interning.

I have watched and acquired some good movies, though, always a bright spot in my pathetic life. Withnail and I was funny. I bought Harry Potter 6, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Batman, and Jurassic Park. 500 Days of Summer is next on my Netflix queue.

Formal is this weekend and for the first year ever I am going to feel like I look hot, probably because I finally found a dress in my favorite color that I actually like..

I miss Mary.

I hope my Romeo and Juliet-inspired short is funny. Hopefully I'll shoot it this week. I'll post after I submit it to the International Shakespeare Film Festival.

That's it right now. Sorry for the boring blogs as of late.

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