So, if I remember correctly, we left Florence pretty early the next morning, and hopped on the coach to Venice. It was a pretty long coach ride, but sort of relaxing after the craziness of Florence. It got WAY colder - I think it was about 30 degrees. Our hotel in Venice seemed shady at first- it was down an alleyway! - but it was pretty nice. Once again the boys had a huge, awesome room so that was the hang out place. The first night, once again we got there fairly late so we walked around a bit, saw some sights, ate a good meal and then bought cheap boxed wine and sat around and hung out. I think we really just wanted to spend quality time together because we knew this was literally our last hurrah - no more gallivanting around Europe together, being stupid, blowing money, having a blast.
The next morning we set off for Murano Island to look at some glass stuff! Venice, as you may know, is a city of canals, and no one is kidding when they tell you that there are no cars there. To get from place to place, you walk or you take a boat. So the "bus" to Murano Island was a boat. All of us crowded onto it and disembarked at the island. We stopped in a bunch of glass shops, and I found some glass animals just like Judy (my cousin Jordyn's glass dog) so I bought some!
Then we went to dinner at a tiny little restaurant and we had delicious spaghetti and a LOT of wine . . . I think a bunch of us were quite tipsy. Mandie started speaking as if she couldn't say her R's and I pretended I had a lisp and we performed Italian transactions with these speech impediments. We went to the glass museum, Alex stepped on and off a Venetian boat that was docked, and then we made our way back to the bus. The rest of the day I think we just walked around more, ate dinner, then bought more wine and went back to the hotel and started partying at about 6:00pm because it was our last night and still had most of the day the next day to see the remainder of Venice. That night was funny - we watched the Office, got drunk, sang ridiculous 90's songs, and went to bed fairly early.
The next morning we packed up and dropped our luggage off at a shady hotel for storage for the day, then it was time for a gondola ride! This was awesome - although it was freezing. Team Brown Bear and Team Black Bear split up (Team Black Bear rules) and so in our gondola it was me, Alex, Jeff, Cramer, Waner and Danielle. The gondolier was really funny, and we felt like we were going to tip over every time we went under a bridge. He told us a lot of cool things about the history of the city. I have video of it but I have yet to edit it because I am a slacker. After that some people headed over to San Marco but a few of us didn't feel like it, so me, Alex and Danielle just sat in a coffee shop for a long time where it was WARM until it was time to go.
Then we had the long trek across the city to the real bus stop, over the huge bridge and off to the airport. Our flight was delayed so we had to wait a while, but we finally boarded and were on our way back to the U.K.
The next post will be the last about my European adventure, detailing the wonderful night staying in Heathrow airport and the long flight back and then ARRIVAL STATESIDE!
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