I've been sorely neglecting my baby . . . this blog. I know, I know. It's inexcusable, and you should report me to Blogger Protective Services. But there's been so much going on in my life! I know, I know, that's a lie. At least it was a lie until about the past week.
I picked up a weekend job, which I will probably have to quit. Why, you ask? Because I'm a big girl now. A real life, grown-up big girl.
Well, let's be honest. I will never be "grown-up." However, I DO have a big girl job now, that I will be starting on Monday. A job where I will be blogging. SWEAR TO DUMBLEDORE. Some people actually think I have worthwhile things to say, which is reassuring and little frightening. I was trolling my past updates, and I talk about how one of my favorite pasttimes is jumping into a pile of dirty clothes and how I feel bad for making fun of girls who wear jeggings.
And now here, is my pledge to all of my loyal followers, all 3 of them. 3 of them have the last name Hardesty.
[this is slightly amended from the Girl Scout pledge. Credit where credit is due.]
"On my honor, I will try, to serve the Hardestys, and Harry Potter, and to live by Blogger law."
I will TRY to update this more, since I feel like it's the bastard first-born child of my burgeoning Internet empire.